Fellow ABCCers,
ABCC has found that there are serval phishing scams and suspicious websites using the similar domain as abcc.com and ABCC logo .
Highly notify all users that do not visit the suspicious websites and do not provide any private information, especially below listed websites as they are not ABCC official website.
Phishing scams and suspicious websites:
Please be aware that ABCC staff will never contact you first to request your login credentials, personal information, or financial details. If you receive a request for this information, it is likely a phishing attempt, and you should not respond.
If you find or suspect any phishing scams and websites, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.
Because of the frequent occurrence of phishing scams, it is very important for everyone to ensure the security of their accounts.
1.Do not use the same account name and password pair on multiple sites.
2.Be sure to turn on secondary authentication.
3.Before logging in, depositing, or withdrawing funds, check carefully whether the domain name is correct.
4.Do not open random emails, unsafe links in messages, and suspicious attachments.
5.Regularly use anti-virus and security software to protect the security of your computer.
6.Never use unknown and untrusted public networks, especially publicWiFinetworks.
7. To ensure the security of your communications with us, we recommend that you contact us through Telegram. Our Telegram channel can be accessed at ABCC Offical . This will help to protect your personal and financial information from phishing attacks and other types of cyber threats.
Thank you for your support!
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