Hello! In this instruction, we will show you how to enable your google authentication on ABCC.
Although you can use SMS, we highly recommend using Google Authenticator to enable 2-factor authentication (2FA) to secure your account.
- If you are using our website, please click here.
- If you are using App, please click here.
- To protect the security of your account, we recommend that you enable at least one secondary authentication method. After mobile phone authentication is enabled, mobile phone authentication is required when logging in and other operations related to accounting security.
- It is strongly recommended that you save the key or QR code when linking the GA. In case that the mobile phone is lost, you may use the key or QR code to link the GA to the new mobile phone.
- In case that the backup key or QR code is forgotten, please contact Customer Services for unlinking. You will be able to link a new GA when our support team resolves the issue.
1. Click on Personal information at the upper right-hand corner of the ABCC homepage to enter your "Account" page. Click the "Enable" button in the figure to enter the Enable Google authentication page.
2. Download and install the Google Authenticator app. If you have already downloaded it, please click the button “Next Step” to continue.
- Download the Google Authenticator to your mobile phone. iOS users may log onto the App Store and search “Google Authenticator”, while Android users may search “Google Authenticator” in the Play Store or the mobile browser.
3. Scan the QR code with Google Authenticator, or copy the code into the app. If you have already scanned it, please click the "Next step" button to continue.
- Open the Google Authenticator on your mobile, click the lower right “+” and select “Scan a QR code” or "Enter a setup key".
4. Please backup the key. If you have already done it, please click the "Next step" button to continue.
5. Enter your password and the GA verification code (the six-digit code) to "Enable Google Authenticator"
- Google authentication code
Upon configuration of the GA, the GA verification code (the six-digit code) must be entered for each logon and can be disabled in your settings. Only the latest verification code is valid and updated every 30 seconds.
6. Google authentication is enabled successfully!
1. Click on "Account" at the lower right-hand corner of the ABCC homepage to enter your "Security" page. Click the "Google verification" button in the figure to enter the Enable Google authentication page.
2. Download and install the Google Authenticator app. If you have already downloaded it, please click the button “Next Step” to continue.
- Download the Google Authenticator to your mobile phone. iOS users may log onto the App Store and search “Google Authenticator”, while Android users may search “Google Authenticator” in the Play Store or the mobile browser.
3. Scan the QR code with Google Authenticator, or copy the code into the app. If you have already scanned it, please click the "Next step"button to continue.
- Open the Google Authenticator, click the lower right “+” and select “Scan a QR code” or "Enter a setup key".
4. Enter your password and the Google code (the six-digit code) and click "Submit" to enable Google Authenticator
- Google authentication code
Upon configuration of the GA, the GA verification code (the six-digit code) must be entered for each logon and can be disabled in your settings. Only the latest verification code is valid and updated every 30 seconds.
5. Google authentication is enabled successfully!
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