Dear users,
As of 0:00 on Aug 28, 2018 (UTC+8), ABCC will upgrade the Mining Referral Program.
ABCC will issue Enhancement Vouchers with different values. With the Enhancement Voucher, users will have higher mining power, i.e., users will acquire more ATs with the same amount of transaction fees contributed.
ABCC will change mining power from 0:00 on Aug 29, 2018 (UTC+8) in the Referral Program: you will enjoy 10% of your level 1* referral’s mining power and 5% of your level 2* referral’s mining power. Referrals of further levels will not affect your mining power. Check the original Mining Referral Program.
Level 1 referral: if A invites B, B is A’s level 1 referral.
Level 2 referral: if B invites C, C is A’s level 2 referral.
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